Wednesday, January 19, 2022

4K-8K video is a scam

In 2008, a format war began. It was between HD DVD and Blu-ray. Both could store high-definition images (i.e. 720p-1080p), and both were meant as a successor to standard definition DVDs. Of course, Blu-ray won out eventually. The question, though, is did we need a successor to DVDs in the first place? 

Well, of course, you could see the difference if you watched high def on a high def TV. However, if you had a CRT TV, the difference wasn't really as clear. Both high definition and standard definition looked pretty much the same. 

The inverse was not true, however. If you played a standard definition DVD on an HD flat-screen, then the DVD looked terrible. Likewise, there was lag. If you played any old games (i.e. Playstation 2 and older), then you could fully see the lag. If you pressed a button on your controller, the game would react slightly slower.

This lag is why I can beat Castlevania in under 30 minutes on a CRT, but I can't get past the third level on an OLED falt-screen.

I'm no expert on the mechanics of OLED screens, but basically, the image on an OLED is a digital image, meaning that it's subject to refresh rates. Those refresh rates create lag. Likewise, since the OLED is displaying a digital image and not a signal, you can see the pixels on the screen.

Basically, a CRT can play anything, but OLED TVs can't. To see a 4K image in all its glory on a flat-screen, you need a 4K TV. However, you can still see 4K images properly on a CRT TV because resolution rates do not apply. 

There are people who know more about this subject, so I'll link to them:

Wikipedia - TV Comparisons

Reddit Thread 



Basically, we got it right 20 years ago and there was no reason to change tech. DVDs looked great on old CRTs, as did all the games of the time. 

So, did we need to upgrade at all? 

No, we didn't.

What I mean by all this is that there was no need for high-resolution video in the first place. We were fine with standard-definition DVDs. The only reason people needed Blu-rays was that their DVDs looked like crap on their brand new HD TVs. 

The same goes for cameras. Standard definition cameras looked great on CRTs, yet they looked terrible on HD monitors. So, we had to switch to HD cameras.

Now we're going through a new cycle - the 4K-8K image resolution. 

Basically, 4K TVs came out and all the consumers flocked to Best Buy. So, in turn, we need to change our DVD formats, games, and cameras. 

The problem, though, is that we don't need 4K, let alone 6K or 8K. If you plug in regular old SD footage into a regular old CRT TV, then the footage looks just as good if not better. 

I think anything past 1080p is a scam to sell more high-end equipment. The high-resolution TVs create a need for comparable high-resolution games, cameras, and DVDs.

The high-end, high-resolution tech only exists to sell new stuff. It's a scam. If the old stuff was more reliable and produced better quality, then there was no need to make the leap to new tech in the first place. 

When money flows toward new technology, then companies will tell consumers that they need new stuff. The companies will make it seem like the older technology is inferior when that's not necessarily true.

So, when your favorite movie gets released on a 4K Ultra HD DVD, don't bother spending your $50, and especially don't bother getting a new TV and a new disk player. Just stick with your old stuff. You can usually buy almost any movie on DVD for less than $10. 

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